Soil testing made simple
We’re offering our customers a new way to conduct soil tests within minutes with the addition of a NutriScan unit to our toolkit. A NutriScan is a handheld device used to obtain a real time soil test from various core samples across an area.
Rather than sending a mixture of soil cores to a wet lab, the NutriScan sends a report to a smartphone or handheld printer within three to five minutes of the test. NutriScans are complementary to full laboratory soil tests and give growers an opportunity to increase frequency of soil testing with immediate, actionable results.
The NutriScan unit was one of five finalists in the AgInnovation contest at Agri-Trade 2022. The contest accepts nominations from around the world for innovations in agricultural technology with a focus on the impact to ag in Western Canada.
NutriScan technology
The NutriScan unit uses near-infrared technology to measure soil characteristics, macronutrients, micronutrients and base saturations. Taking various samples throughout a field will help growers to identify and track areas of concern.
A key feature for WestMET Ag is the NutriScan’s ability to quantify organic carbon levels—a key soil characteristic that our Humalite products amend. This machine allows us to identify and track changes to soil following the application of Humalite.
NutriScan opportunities
At WestMET Ag, we offer soil scanning opportunities to identify nutrient levels for producers. Information such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, organic matter, pH and more can be shown by the NutriScan unit in ppm, and visually through a traffic light system (low amounts in red, high amounts in green).
The NutriScan’s easy-to-understand reports can be sent to growers to indicate areas of concern. Nutrient recommendations are made within each report to suggest a fertility application based on target yield, soil zone and crop needs.
For more information, give us a call at (403) 854-5200 or send us a message.